Its funny how sometimes life just sweeps you away from some of the things you would like to spend your time doing, and dictates you in other areas that are...shall we say, less desireable. Anyways, my apologies for the lag between Handsome Blog's lately. Things have been hectic.
Number 12 is someone who I dont by any means have "a crush" on, or even really find attractive, but he is an awesome dude all the same.
Number 12- Shaun White.
I can remember my childhood days, living in Southern California, in a townhouse that was mere feet away from the ocean. Every morning as a wee thing, I would get up, put on my bathing suit and make my way to the ocean. My mother was still in her twenties, or very early thirties, and would let me hang out with some of the neighborhood youth (between ages 4-17), looking back, I have no idea why, since 90% of them were male, skaters, surfers, and they had a love for one Mary-Jane. But all the same, I didnt know the difference, and I loved every second of it. We would all go to the beach, and they taught a much younger version of me how to swim, surf, and skate.
One of my little buddies was this red-headed, freckle faced boy I called Shauny. We would hang out together, and were buddies from the get-go. Of course I know everyone can see where this story is going. My little bud grew up to be one of the best skateboarders and snowboarders of all time, Shaun White. This fact makes me wish that I would have stuck with surfing or skating, because heck! Look where I could be. Everywhere. But, alas, things always seem to happen for a reason, and when I was about 5 or 6, I moved away from So. Cal, and all of the friends and hobbies I had picked up there.
I can tell you that everytime I see Shaun White on tv, or in a magazine, I feel compelled to stop and watch, or read whatever it is. We were buddies after all. I can also tell you, that if I were to walk up to him, he would have no freakin idea who I was. But if I mentioned our Lords of Dogtown days, he would probably remember our group, and we would likely laugh at how stupid are parents were.
Shaun has really grown up to be a great dude. Funny and witty, but he still has a seemingly good head on his shoulders. I love that when he got famous, he bought the house he grew up living in in Oceanside, instead of some fancy house in Malibu or something. I really feel like Shaun has also brought Snowboarding and skating to an entirely different level. He has mastered tricks that ten years ago, no-one would ever think possible, now, they are the norm. He has helped bring the popularity level to skyrocketing, and anyone who has ever watched an X-Games, knows who this dude is
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