Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Handsome Blog- Number Twelve

Its funny how sometimes life just happens...it sweeps you away from some of the things you would like to spend your time doing, and dictates you in other areas that are...shall we say, less desireable. Anyways, my apologies for the lag between Handsome Blog's lately. Things have been hectic.
Number 12 is someone who I dont by any means have "a crush" on, or even really find attractive, but he is an awesome dude all the same. 
Number 12- Shaun White.

I can remember my childhood days, living in Southern California, in a townhouse that was mere feet away from the ocean. Every morning as a wee thing, I would get up, put on my bathing suit and make my way to the ocean. My mother was still in her twenties, or very early thirties, and would let me hang out with some of the neighborhood youth (between ages 4-17), looking back, I have no idea why, since 90% of them were male, skaters, surfers, and they had a love for one Mary-Jane. But all the same, I didnt know the difference, and I loved every second of it. We would all go to the beach, and they taught a much younger version of me how to swim, surf, and skate. 
One of my little buddies was this red-headed, freckle faced boy I called Shauny. We would hang out together, and were buddies from the get-go. Of course I know everyone can see where this story is going. My little bud grew up to be one of the best skateboarders and snowboarders of all time, Shaun White. This fact makes me wish that I would have stuck with surfing or skating, because heck! Look where I could be. Everywhere. But, alas, things always seem to happen for a reason, and when I was about 5 or 6, I moved away from So. Cal, and all of the friends and hobbies I had picked up there. 
I can tell you that everytime I see Shaun White on tv, or in a magazine, I feel compelled to stop and watch, or read whatever it is. We were buddies after all. I can also tell you, that if I were to walk up to him, he would have no freakin idea who I was. But if I mentioned our Lords of Dogtown days, he would probably remember our group, and we would likely laugh at how stupid are parents were. 

Shaun has really grown up to be a great dude. Funny and witty, but he still has a seemingly good head on his shoulders. I love that when he got famous, he bought the house he grew up living in in Oceanside, instead of some fancy house in Malibu or something.  I really feel like Shaun has also brought Snowboarding and skating to an entirely different level. He has mastered tricks that ten years ago, no-one would ever think possible, now, they are the norm. He has helped bring the popularity level to skyrocketing, and anyone who has ever watched an X-Games, knows who this dude is

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Handsome Blog- Number Eleven

I've been slacking. I know this. This last week really hasnt consisted of very much. Flying. Working. Working. Sleeping. Reading. Welcome to my life. I just havent had the conciousness to stay awake and write this lately. Anywhoozle, this dude is someone who for as far back as I can remember, I have thought was amazing. 
Number 11, Steven Tyler.

I can remember hearing the story of how Liv Tyler was at a Aerosmith show, and she noticed that Steven and her looked eerily alike. Once she brought it up to her mom, her mom confessed that he was actually her father. Now, I dont know how much of that story is completely fact, or how much is fiction, but all I know, is that to this day I still ask my mom if she is 100% sure that she didnt sleep with Steven Tyler when she was a crazy rebel. She insists that she didnt, and I'm determined to keep asking until one day she finally breaks down and says: "Ya, Steph. I totally slept with Steven Tyler, and there is a strong chance he's your father". We both know she would be lying, but it would make me happy all the same. 
 Now I've been a fan of this dude for years. Were talking, since I was a wee little kiddo. I remember watching Mrs. Doubtfire, looking at Robin Williams vacuuming while dancing to "Dude Looks Like a Lady" and singing the song for the next year and a half. After that, I was completely hooked. I couldnt get enough of them, and my mom was more than happy to listen to my new favorite band.
Years later, I think the world fell in love with Steven Tyler again when Aerosmith decided to sing "Dont Wanna Miss a Thing", that was such a good decision. That song still remains as one of my all time favorite songs ever.

Once Steven decided to be the Third Judge on American Idol this season, I knew I would be forced to start watching that show again. I hadnt seen a full season since way back when, so as per my original plan, I have succeeded in watching most of this season of American Idol, and if we're being honest, my favorite part is always hearing what Steven has to say. I think he is such a sweetheart. and I would be totally fine with having him as a judge, a friend, or a dad. And even at 63, Steven  is as sexy as ever. That guy has completely got it going on. And he can "walk this way" anytime he wants to.  Pun intended. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Handsome Blog- Number Ten

So it has been a couple days. But considering that the last two days have been consumed with washing clothes, packing, and now relaxing on a beach somewhere with a cold drink in my hand (that last part MAY be an exaggeration), I think i'm still on a roll of sorts. Now hear this, this next guy I can remember girls in my 6th grade class having a crush on. Once I saw him in his first real large movie, I instantly couldnt get enough of this dude's voice.
Number 10- Vin Diesel

First off, how lucky is this guy to have his god-given last name be Vincent? That just sounds like you walked straight out of the mob scene. I can first recall seeing Vin in The Fast and The Furious, and shortly thereafter watching him in Pitch Black. I had never heard a voice like his in the movie world before, and I felt almost dirty watching him because he has this way of looking at the people he works with (lets be more specific, the women he works with), that sends chills down my spine. I couldnt imagine actually being there. I have no idea how Michelle Rodriguez played it so cool. Ya know what?? This could actually really explain a lot. Maybe Michelle was in love with Vin after they were pretend lovers on F&F, and she realized that he didnt feel the same way, thats when she decided that life as a lesbian was how she would live now that she had no chance with Vin. By George, I've figured it out!!! Of course...thats a lot of speculation, and about 0.0001% fact, so take it at face value, and certainly dont quote me on it.
On a seperate note, of course everyone knows Vin as the deep voiced, mocha skinned, heavily built stud from XxX, PItch black, F&F 1-22...etc. BUT, one of my favorite flicks with him was something as goofy as The Pacifier. I watched that movie's special features at one point with my little sister, and they talked about what a big sweetheart he was. Holding the baby on the film, and playing with it, just acting very fatherly and loving towards it. That is one of those "Ultimate Sexy" things. Girls LOVE when guys are good with kids. Girls LOVE when guys play with kids and love them too. And coming from a man that looks 10 feet tall and bulletproof, its refreshing, and surprising to see him smile and laugh while he's holding a baby and tickling him. Its just the cutest thing.
I'm very glad that Vin had the opportunity to become a father, because he seems really well suited.

I'm not a fan of any of the rumors that go around about him, because in my mind...he's an actor, and at first glance, a good dude. I'm going to leave it at that.P.S. Vin, THANK YOU for making a F&F 5, i havent seen it yet...but I can hardly wait.  

Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Handsome Blog- Number Nine

I would like to say that I think its funny that one day I will think of a dozen candidates for the handsome blog, and the next day I cant remember a single one of them. Sheesh. Someone get this girl some Ginko Biloba...wait...what was I saying?
Oh yes, men. Anyway, this next dude is someone who I first saw a couple weeks ago while I was at work (I get to watch 70 inch TV's at work..envy me), and I was instantly blown away. Please welcome number 9...
WEC and UFC fighter Ben Henderson.  *Drool*

Like I said a little earlier, I saw this dude while at work, (not literally, as I would have probably stood dumbfounded at my hostess stand and drooled a little bit). But, it was a friday night, people were slowly starting to drift out of the place, and a re-run of an old WEC match came on (WEC is World Extreme Cagefighting, for all you women like me). I was rolling my eyes, because I thought this kind of thing was completely barbaric and pointless. My manager walked up to me, said "oh, this is supposed to be a good fight..this dude gets the S#$! kicked out of him", not a minute later someone else said the same thing. It was nearing 1am, and I had nothing else to do, so I angled myself toward the tv, rested my elbows on the hostess stand, and watched. It took me about 12.7 seconds to realize just exactly how built Ben was. Not just built...but like, this man is a BRICK HOUSE. Not to mention his legs are gigantic! Put him on MY team in kickball.
So, because of the size of his legs, I was really looking forward to watching him kick the crap out of the little guy. Each round came and went, and I was getting antsy, waiting for the big moment. Finally, in the 5th and final round, the kicking happened, only Ben wasnt the guy doing the kicking. The little guy managed to somehow channel Spiderman and run on the side of the cage, then he roundhouse kicked Henderson to the face. I felt deflated.
With all of that being said, I saw Henderson in a UFC fight tonight (apparently his first ever...and he won. wooo), and I felt a faint alllll over again, not to mention, while the guy he beat was getting all pissy, when they interviewed Henderson he thanked God and quoted Phil 4:13 (so what, I know everyone quotes it). In all honesty, if you have that kind of effect on me of all people. You deserve to be number Nine on my Handsome Blog. 
Scroll down for pictures. Take note all you virgin eyed women and men....this guy fights in tight undies..and who am I to mislead anyone on how he looks? ;) And on top of everythign else, homeboy lives in Mesa. Holla! haha.

Is everyone noting the leg muscles??I feel it is very important to note the amount of leg muscles.