I'm bummed that I had to break my little streak that was going so well..three whole days! Alas, stuff always seems to come up and I wasnt able to get to writing this until right now.
With that being said, this next bloke is my all-time favorite handsome man, which made this terribly difficult to write (i'll admit, a tissue break was involved).
Without further adiou, Handsome Man Number 4,
Heath Ledger.
Believe it or not, Heath has always held a very special little place in my heart. Sure, he's great looking, sure he has that lovely Aussie accent, but it was always more than that. This guy had something special. That "something" that people work there entire lives trying to perfect, or even convince themselves that they have. But Heath had it effortlessly. In my mind, when he busted into the acting scene, he was something unlike anything ever seen before or since.
I realize it's very easy to categorize him into the "teen heart-throb" category strictly because of some of his movie choices...10 things I hate about you, A Knights Tale, Casanova...etc.
However, my favorite aspect of Heath was his ability to completely make you forget that you were watching a movie. When he was on screen, he WAS that character. He was constantly immersed in whoever he was portraying, and that made him more than a pretty face, that made him an actor, among all those other pretty faces.
I'll admit that I feel its normally very trivial and plain out lame for people to cry and be sad and lose sleep over the death's of celebrities, I mean really..you didnt know them, you never met them, you never even saw them in real life, yet here you are, calling out of work to watch the funeral on TV. My feelings toward this topic shifted when he passed. I can remember where I was, who I was with and that I needed to pull over to make sure it was true. I can honestly say that I felt as if I lost a friend. No, I didnt ever meet, see or know him. But I felt as though I did. But what I cried for more than anything, was that such a promising life was now gone. There would be no more getting to know him, or see him, and it was all lost over something so easily overlooked. His daughter would never again be able to hug her father or ride on his shoulders, and she would never get the opportunity to know him the way that she had the right to.
Heath tremendously impacted the ways that I watched movies, and the level of enjoyment that came with it. I truly do miss his contributions to the acting world, and I hope that he knew how loved and appreciated he was before he passed.
“We all die. The goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will.”
"We understand death for the first time when he puts his hand upon one whom we love."
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